Aims and Scope

A major part of the land of Iran is located in the arid and semi-arid regions. Since the problems and potentials of these regions are interconnected in different dimensions, therefore, knowledge, understanding and policy making in these areas require an integrated approach. The first step to adopting this approach is to know the issues, problems, potentials and capabilities of these regions. accordingly, this journal is established as the first scientific-specialized journal of geographical sciences to help identify different aspects of natural and human geography of arid regions based on the following goals:

  • Creating a scientific and research information base about dry areas of Iran.
  • Creating knowledge about how natural and human issues are related in dry areas of Iran.
  • Understanding the key challenges and bottlenecks of Iran's arid regions in the field of various trends in geographic sciences and natural resources, including geomorphology, climatology, rural geography, urban geography, political geography, ecotourism, watershed management, and desertification.
  • knowing the abilities and potentials of arid regions in the above-mentioned areas to present strategies and policies of ecologists to promote the sustainability of these areas.
  • Creating a suitable platform for the publication of interdisciplinary studies regarding various aspects of issues related to dry areas
  • Creating a platform and context for conducting joint research between the fields of geography and other sciences such as sociology, natural resources, etc., in connection with the special topics of Iran's arid regions.
  • Comprehending the key challenges and limitations of Iran's arid regions in the field of different directions in geographic sciences and other related scientific directions.
  • Social hydrology and the location of water in the economic and social life of arid regions of Iran.
  • Comprehending the challenges and capacities of urban areas and urban planning in dry areas.
  • Comprehending the challenges and capacities of rural areas and rural planning in dry areas.
  • Comprehending the capacities and potentials of tourism and ecotourism in dry areas of Iran.
  • Comprehending political phenomena (political stresses) related to climate and geography in dry areas.
  • Helping to provide scientific and ecological solutions regarding various issues of dry areas to managers and policymakers to promote the sustainability of these areas.
  • Planning land use in dry areas.
  • Trying to create a conflict of opinions among scientists to create a basic theory or theories of development for the arid regions of Iran.
  • Publication of case studies regarding the challenges of Iran's arid regions to create attention among officials and the academic community.