What are the steps of sending an article?

Registering in the system (if you have not registered before), entering the system, going through all the necessary steps in the article submission section, uploading the required files such as the original article file, the original article file without the authors' details, the commitment form and the conflict of interest form

I have forgotten my password and am not receiving a password reset email

Email and relevant details should be sent to the publication through the communication methods mentioned in the contact us section

How to publish articles?


Is there a specific format defined for articles?

Yes, and all related files are placed in the authors' guide section at http://jargs.hsu.ac.ir/journal/authors.

Does the journal charge a fee for publishing articles?

Yes. The cost of final acceptance and publication of the article is 3,500,000 rials

How long does the process of reviewing articles take?

The effort of the journal is to shorten the time of evaluation of the articles, but this time depends on the process of review and response of the reviewers